In the 21st century, science created Hubble Deep Space. This is a telescope designed to travel throughout deep space, which was relatively unknown territory and unexplored by humans on planet Earth. During the past couple of decades, Science also developed technologies that could measure and make some interesting theories about deep space and the universe.
For example, science says that 68% of the universe is dark energy. Dark matter makes up about 27%, and everything that is physically observed on Earth using our scientific instruments is called normal matter and adds up to less than 5% of the universe. The conclusion is that most of the universe comprises dark energy. Dark energy is energy that you cannot see with the naked eye.
The most interesting point to date is that mainstream Science is estimated to be around 300-400 years old. We found many of the scientific theories were based on the principles of matter with no understanding of dark energy and dark matter (THE INVISIBLE WORLD). So, the question is: “What do we know about the universe and our place in it?”
In the 1990s, the one certainty in science was that the universe was expanding.
In 1998, the Hubble Space Telescope observed a distant supernova that showed that a long time ago, the universe was expanding slower than it is today. The supernova also revealed the universe is mostly made up of what we cannot see, and it is expanding faster than the speed of light, which up to now science thought was impossible. No one can explain why or how the universe is expanding faster and faster, and why there is more to the unseen universe than that which is visible; the instrument verified normal matter.
The Hubble Telescope has helped to measure the age of the universe. It estimates the earth to be 13.7 billion years old. Until the last few years, we knew of no other solar systems. Today, the Sun is one of about two hundred billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy alone.
There are 10,000 galaxies estimated in a tiny section of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field Captured visible image.
In 1961, astronomer Frank Drake devised a formula to estimate the number of extraterrestrial civilizations that may exist in the Milky Way. Observations from NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope and other instruments suggest that 20% of all stars host planets in the life-friendly, “habitable zone,” where liquid water could exist on a world’s surface.
Researchers have calculated the probability that Earth was the universe’s first-ever planet for intelligent life, after considering the number of stars in the observable universe (which is estimated to be twenty billion trillion) according to Adam Frank (Professor of Astrophysics, University of Rochester). He admitted it was likely that intelligent alien life exists and that we are not the only time and place where an advanced civilization has developed.
After considerable thought, I bring to light another interesting fact to the mix of unbelievable facts.
Numerous cognitive neuroscientists have conducted studies that reveal that only 4–5% of our cognitive activities (decisions, emotions, actions, behaviors) are conscious, whereas the remaining 95% of our motivations, intentions, past traumas, memories, past lives, inspirations, and unknown energies lie in our unconscious minds.
Dr. Robert Zajonc, a Social Psychologist at the University of Michigan suggests, “In most cases, when people explain why they’ve made a decision; they will simply rationalize, attributing what sounds like reasonable bases for what is, in fact, a murky, unknown process.”
So, let’s get this straight, the facts are less than 5% of the universe comprises “normal matter”, 95% is dark energy and dark matter and science has based the last 300-400 years on theories about “normal matter.” Therefore, this proves that science and physics know little about the universe.
No one has any idea why space is expanding faster than the speed of light, which, according to our scientific theories, is impossible. No one knew until the Hubble Deep Space Telescope that this expansion was growing faster and that it had not been this way in the past.
In the year 2022, our science is outdated and knows little about 95% of the universe. Our social sciences and the fields of psychology with our advancements in research show that 95% of brain activity is beyond our conscious awareness. We have, however, developed better technologies to measure the fact that we know little about ourselves and the universe.
To conclude, the universe and the unconscious mind are 95% of what we cannot see and do not understand.
Another significant point is that humans who insist on engaging in the primitive paradigm of malignant attributes such as self-righteousness, criticism, arrogance, scapegoating, egoism, malicious gossiping, and deception while surrounding themselves in mindless conflict, immorality, and drama may be an example of our unevolved story and the unevolved human.
Wars, conflict, political turmoil, tyranny, and poverty are also characteristics of a civilization, made up of humans, who are unevolved and continue to repeat the mistakes and patterns of the past. Thus, humans (individuals) and humanity (the collective) mirror the same immaturity, egotism, and a lack of self-love and appreciation for life.
There is also evidence that the masses KNOW little about the truth within their governments, politics, medical professions, corporations, media, financial and educational institutions; and that the collective is indeed purposefully being kept in the dark by endless distractions, propaganda, lies, coverups, and programming which continue to keep them chasing false illusions and delusions while self-aggrandizing their conscious minds with no idea of what is lurking in the unconscious which is driving their existence. A simple analogy is an image of a pup chasing its tail and not realizing its tail connects to its own body. Up to now, this has been the state of the non-aware human and humanity. As the individual steps out of the repetitive mindset, programming, traditional expectations, and mind-loops; one gains a broader world vision that includes a more cosmic self-image and a broader self-understanding of the 95% of what is unknown and unconscious. The more advanced human recognizes that some unseen energies are calling the shots, heavily influencing our lives, while the small voice within ever so gently nudges us to our unseen destiny. We best align ourselves to these higher energies, forces, and the voice within so that we can indeed reach our potential and take our place among the stars.
Getting outside one’s comfort zone by continuing to question beliefs, dogma, institutions, religions, cultures, governments, political authorities, traditions, and leadership seems to be our only guide for a path to sanity. Remember that everything that you think you know is mostly opinions, beliefs, and speculations handed down for eons, by authorities and institutions with an agenda.
The truth is: that our advanced civilization is not that advanced and to develop or advance further would mean to stop the fighting, the need to control others, the insatiable impulse to be right, arguing over political agendas, and perpetuating out-of-control materialism which feeds the division among humans. With the benefits of seeking only the truth, showing kindness, and understanding while choosing peace, compassion, integrity, and goodwill over conflict and war, humanity could make a giant leap into space and discover the truth about our cosmic origin.
If we cannot live in peace and cooperation on earth; how do we imagine taking our hostilities, immaturity, and inability to have a good relationship with each other out into space? This is the reason that we know less than 5% about ourselves and the universe and that we have not moved forward in our understanding and knowledge. Humanity must grow up and become a peaceful, unified society that respects all life and supports everyone’s right to be. If we cannot become mature, intelligent, intuitive adults, how do we expect to have a positive influence on other civilizations throughout the cosmos? We have been unsuccessful at uniting ourselves into a peaceful, advanced, wise human race.
In time, we shall discover that the 95% of space that we cannot see interconnects with the 95% of our unconscious minds, which we do not know. As a Hypnotherapist, I suspect they are the same. We, as humans, simply need to recognize our power and connection to our inner intelligence, (cosmic self), (heart/brain) (The Field), and our inner intuitive wisdom. Only at this point will we realize that what we cannot see is us. We will not gain the keys to the kingdom until we stop fighting, stop destroying our planet, stop polluting the water and oceans, stop eradicating species, and stop choosing to live for materialism, egoism, false pride, and greed. At last, the power of the Feminine energies must rise and balance the Male energies which have perpetuated an unbalanced, unsustainable way of life while contributing to a decaying, immature civilization.
This is no way to get an invitation to the Galactic Council. After all, WHO would want the child-like, pesky, shallow, superficial, immature humans at a Universal Galactic Summit? On November 26, 1977 (part of the independent TV network) then called Southern Television, experienced a voice transmission: a TV broadcast was overridden by what claimed to be alien intelligence. This mystery has never been solved. No one had any idea how the voice was broadcasted much less who the voice was.
The voice claimed to be Vrillon, an alien representing a body called the Ashtar Galactic Command. The message was simple: We humans had to give up our warlike ways and embrace a more peaceful existence……before it was too late. This must take place so that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The new age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments.
Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again. All of your weapons of evil must be removed. The time of conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the higher stages of its evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this. You have but a short time to live together in peace and goodwill.
If you decide you wish to hear the message of Vrillon, click on the YouTube link below. The link will allow you to hear and see the broadcast.
You be the judge. We always know the “TRUTH” when we hear and see it. Learn to trust yourself. Meditate and connect to your inner intelligence (cosmic self), while realizing that you live in your local (ego) identity of self. Take your blinders off and recognize that our present society is based on a false reality, which has hidden and kept secret truths regarding our origins, ancestral lineages, religions, health, well-being, ancient civilizations, and historical records. It has been said that “the truth” will set you free. And so, it will be.
The “Truth” is humbling, and “Falsehood” is arrogant. Our present situation and civilization need to become more humble and less arrogant; besides, what we know about reality is less than 5% of the universe and our unconscious minds.
The mystery continues. May the FORCE be with you.
Unexplained Message contact information: Author: K. Denise Keever