In Jungian terms, Our “SHADOW” or the “Devil,” in each of us must be faced. Our nature is both light and dark, good and bad. Our shadow represents repressed fears and feelings that are apart of our personality and psyche, that if not accepted, prevent normal growth and development of the personality. Ignoring these aspects of ourselves, becomes the benchmark of what we see in everyone else but never in ourselves. Thus, we accumulate many inhibitions, phobias, addictions, dysfunctional, toxic patterns of behavior.When people refuse to look at themselves honestly, and reflect on undesirable behaviors and attitudes, they suppress the negative aspects of themselves. They project these undesirable traits, attitudes and behaviors onto other people. They use other people as scapegoats, to keep from owning and accepting their own negativity and negative traits. Without acceptance of the shadow, one continues on a path of childlike denial and a refusal to integrate into fully mature adulthood. Thus, always searching for someone else to blame, always finding ways to prove to themselves and others, their own superiority and self-righteousness.
A deflective tool that we all use is also called projection. When we have no understanding of how we are ignoring the negative aspects of ourselves, we project onto others exactly what we refuse to face in ourselves. Of course, most of this is done on an unconscious level, so that many of us are NOT even conscious of the fact that we are participating in such a destructive process. As one begins to work with and accept his own shadow, one begins to feel more tolerance, acceptance, empathy and less blame toward others. As a person feels an understanding of his very nature, the good and the bad, the light and dark, he can accept human failings and limitations. The blocks that have prevented a person’s growth is removed and therefore a person may continue to mature and grow into a deeper, wiser human being that has deep tolerance and compassion for other human beings. Tolerance and compassion replaces criticism, judgment and self-righteousness.
The elders in the ancient societies were the leaders, they harnessed the wisdom, set the policies and plans in motion for their civilizations. The young did the heavy lifting, attended to the everyday physical needs of the culture which required physical strength and agility. Wisdom is difficult to find in many of the elders in our modern society but there are some who hold the position of elders that are wise and are capable of leading with vision and clarity. The younger people do not have the experience, knowledge or wisdom to be in leadership roles. The questions to ask are: "why are we having thirty- year old humans trying to lead in positions where they obviously do not have the wisdom or the experience?" " Why has our so-called modern civilization refused to RESPECT the wisdom gained from our elders?"
Our society has become more neurotic, chaotic and is overrun with child-like, adolescent behaviors. The point being is that working with the negative aspects of oneself is critical for one to grow into healthy adulthood. Otherwise, child-like adolescence prevails, which maintains a pleasure seeking, narcissistic, selfish, immoral, immature, population who wants someone else (BIG BROTHER) to take care of them. This type of population provides the Perfect Storm for tyranny, totalitarianism, fascism, and dictatorship.
Carl G. Jung ( 1875-1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, who founded analytical psychology. His work influenced psychiatry, anthropology, archaeology, literature, philosophy and religious studies. His contributions and insights into the nature of the personality and psyche of human beings are extraordinary and genius. One of his famous quotes, “ Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darkness of other people.” another one of his greatest insights and quotes was that “We should not pretend to understand the world only by the intellect; we apprehend it just as much by feeling. Therefore, the judgment of the intellect is, at best, only half of the truth, and must, if it be honest, also come to an understanding of its inadequacy. (Carl G. Jung)
The purpose of describing the “shadow” according to Carl G. Jung is to present the concept that the current events involving, religions, politics, world governments, world leaders and politicians are failing humanity. We have never lived through such times of strife, turmoil, insincerity, lies, corruption, confusion and chaos that is taking place all over the world. Leaders and governments are covering up the “TRUTH” from the people and the Truth is almost impossible to find. News media, newspapers, magazines have been bought and now owned by the wealthy, and though you are being told that they are not engaged in any sort of cover-up, how do you know? Truth is being replaced by Lies.
People are getting killed daily so that they will not talk or confess the sins and activities of the rich and powerful. In fact, the rich and powerful are creating an economy that is supporting the rich and powerful, getting away with crimes, to humanity, with little or no concern for humans or creatures that occupy the earth, all in the name of profit, greed and productivity. We are being shown, and reassured by our religious groups that they are not interested in perpetuating the love of God or imitating through action the message and heart of Jesus. They fail to be stewards of compassion, faith, and charity or to care about Africans, Muslims, gays, Females, Latinos, Asians, Indians, neighbors and the poor which also include hard working white Americans, many of whom lost their jobs, and were not able to get back into the unstable , changing job market,.which consists of age and racial discrimination, low pay, part-time ( minimum wage) jobs. (The stats according to Washington, D.C. is 1 out of every 2 people over 60 years of age in America are living in poverty, and 1 out of every 4 Americans are living in poverty under 60 years of age, 80% of the world's population is POOR). We are being told, " it is God's will that 80% of the world's population is poor and the 1% of the wealthy, elite and powerful own over 90% of all of the wealth in the world.
The rhetoric has become “God has appointed the leaders( MEN) in power because they have been chosen.” Without a doubt, this is a LIE. Everyone is chosen and everyone is the son or daughter of God. The point being, Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini (dictators) created slogans, chants, and propaganda to endorse their sense of superiority, entitlement, and authority at the cost of humanity. Their message was the same, “We are all chosen, and you (humanity) must follow, die, be destroyed, jailed, or persecuted.
In George Orwell’s novel titled: Nineteen Eighty-Four, “BIG BROTHER” is watching and is replacing the love of all things in the citizens’ lives; with the theme being continuous, oppressive surveillance, while promoting “BIG BROTHER” to serve as a GOD-like figure to the citizens. He is a symbol of power and is seen as all-knowing while he gazes and controls the lives of every citizen. By the way, I might mention that all women are meant to be subservient to their limited roles in these typical cultures. The “STEPFORD WIVES” (Film, 1975 + 2004) image and roles are universal for women in totalitarian governments and societies. Women are programmed to marry for power, status, money and to serve men. The truth is "women" are equal to "men." There should be no discrimination on this fact and their rights should never be up for debate or in legal jeopardy. Yet, in America, women must fight this injustice over and over again, the courts continue to rule differently, laws overturned and women's rights are again on the chopping block. Perhaps, women need to ask themselves the one question that has not been asked, "why is it that men's rights never get challenged or changed?" It is only the women's rights that come into question every few years. This alone has under minded and created an unbalance of power and authority. The clear point is in the 21st century, women are not equal and do not have the same rights as men. Women have the power to change this, the question is do they possess the awareness, brains, heart and courage to defeat the shadow (enemy).
As we continue to move through the theme of totalitarian societies, we have to make one more stop to investigate how the “Wizard Of Oz,” in the 1939 Film also portrays the same theme to a great extent. Dorothy Gale, Tin Man, Lion and Scare Crow find themselves asking for help from “The Great and Powerful Oz,” in Emerald City. They are exhausted, hungry and are being threatened by the Wicked Witch of the West. The Wicked Witch wants Dorothy’s ruby slippers, they have unlimited power. The Great Oz sends them out to recover the Wicked Witch of the West’s broomstick, which places all of their lives in danger.(Does this theme seem familiar?) Dorothy finally defeats the wicked witch with water, receives her broomstick and returns to Emerald City filled with excitement and a desire to go home. The Great Oz has promised he would give the Tin Man a heart, The Lion courage, and The Scarecrow a brain, and take Dorothy home in a hot air balloon. (no pun intended) He improvised when the group discovered he was not a GREAT WIZARD, he was a normal man who just pretended to be all powerful.( Are light bulbs of understanding turning on??)
The conclusion of the story was that Dorothy was told by the wisdom of the Good Witch, Glenda (FEMALE WISDOM)) that she had the power all along to go home by just tapping her heels together three times. Dorothy followed her advice, clicked her heels and was home in her own bed with her family and friends and her beloved dog Toto. Dorothy’s journey led her to a path, (the yellow brick road) which she discovered her shadow, while learning that brains, heart and courage were the tools that she needed to defeat her enemies. One of her greatest revelations was “ The Great Wizard of Oz” was an ordinary man, who had no great power, other than the fact he had convinced his subjects that he was indeed all-powerful and all-knowing. The life lesson became: No one has the power to take over your life, or solve your problems, unless you give them the power to do so. Dorothy discovered her personal power, and that she had the power all along to create, solve her problems and go home. She did not need the “Wizard of Oz” and realized he was not what he pretended to be. Her experience helped her to become GRATEFUL for family, friends and her life. This life lesson is the same for all of us.
The important concept to grasp is this:
There is no “Big Brother, Wizard Of Oz, President, Government, Dictator” or even a Religious Leader that is going to save us. We as humans have a tendency to give our power away, go along with the status quo, surrendering our rights and allowing someone else to take the burden for all that we do not want to see, experience, and that which gives us pain and causes us fear. We are humans who have gladly relinquished our power to those who want to control, oppress, dictate, and lead with the illusion that there are those among us who are superior, have a higher moral fiber and who have been chosen by God. It is most interesting that these same people who have most of the money and power have built economies, societies, and civilizations on the idea that they are the “ELITE.” and the “POWERFUL”, all other humans are mere slaves to be used, and to become subservient and sacrificed for their cause.
These so-called “Elite” get their power and money by the fact we allowed them to do so. We turned a blind eye decades ago and we have done this repeatedly. We simply wanted someone else to BE in charge, be “The adult” and take responsibility for our fears, concerns and our problems. We gave our power over to the government because we did not want to deal with a multitude of problems that our communities were accustomed to facing and handling. Problems such as: the growing aged population, wounded veterans, the hungry, the poor, the sick. In return, we gave away our conscience. ( We became the living dead). We no longer cared about anyone that was not in our immediate family or friends. We refused to see our neighbors as friends and allies, we no longer wanted to see the sick, the poor, and the homeless. It was no longer our problem, it was now a government problem.
We began to stop investigating the truth but decided it was easier to just believe whatever we wanted to believe or what we were told to believe. We never became the persons that we were meant to be, ( “real,” "authentic" individuals) instead we became imitations of what we thought we were expected to be. Our lives became about celebrities, shallow gossip, pleasure-seeking, and following the baseline that everyday programming promotes, “Keeping up with the Kardashians" and any of the rich and famous.We all bought into looking, dressing, acting, behaving and admiring these examples of the “rich and famous.” We made these trappings and people our “golden idols.” The key point is we have no one to blame but ourselves, and our inability to deal with our own dark, shadow side. In other words, we never grew up, matured and became WISE. We did not become individuals, we became imitations of individuals living in empty houses while watching the lives of the rich and famous on our televisions. As a result, we only wear brand named clothes and shoes, only follow the advice of celebrities, institutions, our appointed authorities, corporations, and of course researchers.
So, we simply let someone else, “BIG BROTHER, take the reins. We as humanity must find the brains, heart, and courage to deal first within ourselves, to discover who and what we are and then we must admit there are forces, and powers beyond our human understandings. When we realize we all are apart of a greater plan, a purpose and a calling, then perhaps we will be able to find the strength to admit our shortcomings, repent from our grossly out of control addiction to our lower, selfish, greedy, egotistical nature and began to embrace the divinity that lies within all of us. Living our divinity brings “heaven to earth.” But, be assured, science and its studies into consciousness is providing evidence that there is indeed a higher intelligence, that is permeating throughout all existence and within all life.This consciousness is much grander than a white man sitting in a rocking chair in heaven judging humanity.
It is URGENT that each and every person, reaches within to discover personally what Jesus said, “we all are sons and daughters of God,” and “that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you,” your divinity is within your grasp. The questions to ask are: “ What steps can I take to evolve into my Divine Self?” How can I participate in my soul’s growth?
We all have the opportunity and the power to heal, forgive, and to bring LIGHT to the World and to each other. Humanity must evolve if our civilization is to survive. Are we up for the challenge? Do we have the awareness, brains, heart and courage to step into our divine destiny? Perhaps, it is time to step out of the Matrix, the Illusion, "The Maya".
Humanity's survival depends on creating a NEW REALITY that WORKS FOR ALL HUMANITY, THE EARTH, NATURE and THE SPECIES living on our beautiful "Blue Planet."
“The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is, “the essential condition” for any kind of self-knowledge.”
Carl G. Jung
author: K.D. Keever (August 2019)