"The Third Path" is where Esoteric Wisdom, Psychology, and Astrology meet. This unique process facilitates self- awareness, self- understanding and growth for healthier, happier, thriving adults.
Astrological Insights

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With over a 25 years of experience, helping people and organizations to grow into their potential.

The Hidden Agenda
By KD Keever
About Me image
I created a business and platform called "THE THIRD PATH", The Next Evolutionary Leap. The Third Path is where the Esoteric, Ancient Wisdom and Astrology meet. I have a self-publishing platform and will publish my articles from Medium (the online international magazine) and my books. You can access them from my website, make donations and purchases through my PayPal account. All purchases and donations are secure and protective.
This website offers Suggestive Hypnosis digital downloads. I offer Transpersonal Psychotherapy and use tools such as Dreamwork, Meditation, Hypnosis, Visualization, numerology, and Astrological Insights combined with psychotherapy to explore the individual's soul-purpose, past life lessons, and evolutionary path. Transpersonal Psychotherapy integrates spiritual tools and traditions with modern psychological thinking. This concept was birthed in 1960 and made its way into academic journals in the 1970s.
With a general Transpersonal Psychology overview and educational understanding, services will be offered on-line, (zoom, Chat, Skype) or by phone. Check out articles published in Medium's International Magazine, sign up by email to receive my published articles. Most of the articles will involve the human psyche, including the conscious, unconscious, and the collective conscious. I will examine many paranormal experiences from the perspective of learning how to acknowledge and embrace our first-hand experiences and to understand the value of our human encounters, instincts, unusual experiences, and intuition while moving toward a better understanding of our inner selves. My desire and intention are that you will become intrigued by the limitless possibilities that exist for every human being with an open mind and an open heart.

Above the Ancient Apollo Temple in Delphi Greece and the ancient Kaynak Temple in Egypt are the words, "NOSCE TE IPSUM"  this phrase means "KNOW THYSELF.'
In the Bible, Romans 12: 3-8 and Psalms 31 speak to the value of introspection and self-examination, "KNOW THYSELF.'  This message has been given to humanity for thousands of years. Yet, few people today understand the meaning behind these words and the value that they hold. Transpersonal (Self Actualizing) Therapy is based on Transpersonal Psychology and actively engages with an individual's spiritual intelligence (SQ) while building emotional intelligence (EQ) to enable broader perspectives on the challenges that we face today. This is the purpose of engaging in dreamwork, hypnosis, meditation, visualization, shadow work, and transpersonal (self-actualizing) therapy. The efforts made in discovering the messages which lay hidden in one's dreams, exploring your personal astrology, practicing meditation, learning to identify and work with your shadow and allowing yourself to engage in hypnotherapy deepens your understanding of your own unconscious mind, while learning to tap into the spiritual consciousness within. This is an adventure that you do not want to miss.

 Hypnotherapy & Transpersonal Therapy changed my life. I became more aware of my inner world and how it was influencing my conscious life. 

Deborah Jenkins
Interior Designer

 This is the best gift that I could ever give myself. Engaging in inner work and transpersonal psychotherapy increased my confidence, lessened my anxiety in public speaking and is helping me create a more peaceful, meaningful life. "Anything is possible." 

Loretta Burch
C.E.O of Zoom marketing and Social Media

 Have a great deal of pressure and responsibility in my career, Needed to reflect, relax and unwind. After participating in inner work and transpersonal psychotherapy, I have a broader outlook on my inner life and the pressures that I was putting on myself. As I became more conscious of my unconscious mind; this helped me to understand where the stress and pressure were coming from and how to release myself from the turmoil that I was experiencing daily. I presently live a more balanced life. 

Richard Coffey
Team Leader (International Design Industry)
  • Tri-Cities, Kingsport, Tennessee, United States

phones: cell: 423-277-5251 (text for appointment) free consultation landline: 423-279-0362 Leave a message to schedule appointment or free consultation.

Transpersonal Therapy, meditation, dreamwork, visualization, breathwork, and your personal astrology will help you understand self-mastery, multiplicity, authenticity, as they are paramount to achieving higher performance and authentic leadership.

K.D. Keever is a certified Transpersonal Therapist and non-profit specialist. She graduated Psychology/Sociology, and completed primary level courses in counseling, group therapy, group dynamics, personal profiles, Her background as a counselor, speaker, trainer, and Executive Director for three national organizations inspired her understanding of personal growth and development for all human beings. She is a lifetime student of metaphysics, mysticism, and the paranormal. Her passion for working with and understanding the unconscious mind and the collective unconscious mind has always taken center stage.



Mid-Wife To The Soul image

Additional Services include Transpersonal Therapy/ exploring one's inner world.

Learning to work with dreams, their personal meaning, and messages. Meditation: exploring the stillness and the benefits. Personal Astrology: How it applies to your life. Working with the shadow and the treasures revealed.

Hypnosis digital products for sale on e-commerce page

There are hypnosis digital products available for purchase on the e-commerce page of this website.

Exploring your comos through transpersonal-astrological therapy.

The Mystery Continues: Connecting The Unconscious Mind and Space

The Mystery Continues: Connecting The Unconscious Mind and Space

This is a generic article you can use for adding article content / subjects on your website.

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Sailing The High Seas. Initiation Into the Higher Realms of Reality.

Sailing The High Seas. Initiation Into the Higher Realms of Reality.

This is a generic article you can use for adding article content / subjects on your website.

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Living in a Haunted House

Living in a Haunted House

We’re all haunted houses. The ghosts aren’t there because they won’t let go of the world. They are there because we won’t let go of them.

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Delve into the complexities of the human psyche with Neeraj Gupta and Denise Keever as they shed light on the timeless struggle of courting the inner devil in this captivating blog post.

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This article provides inspiration, insight, and wisdom for living in the world today.

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  •  1/27/2022 10:59 AM

As we are drawing closer to the end of an Era; there are some people asking the questions; what is next for humanity? Where have we been and where are we going? This article provides a somewhat new perspective on an ancient dilemma.

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  •  1/16/2021 09:47 AM

The understanding and denouncing of America's RADICALIZATION is at the center stage of the events of January 6, 2021. It is urgent that Americans recognize "the enemy within.". We are entering a new ERA, Character, Integrity, and PRINCIPLES are needed to ensure our survival and evolution on planet earth..

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  •  12/8/2019 09:36 AM

The EFFECTS of "The Universal Law of Karma," are acting out in your life. Find out how and why this is possible.

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  •  8/15/2019 08:47 AM

Healing the "shadow" within ourselves and in our reality will require "awareness", brains, heart and courage. It also requires humanity growing into maturity and "whole" adulthood.

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  •  4/30/2019 08:57 AM

A slide presentation that explains in depth the benefits of practicing meditation daily.

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  •  4/1/2019 10:24 AM

Explore the insights, realizations, and tools for personal growth & development with Transpersonal Therapy & Hypnosis.

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  •  2/12/2017 11:30 AM

The Mystery and Symbolism of The Gnome. Diving deeper into the folklore, dream symbolism, and first hand experiences.

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